Mind Reading (Success Secret#4)

 They all laughed when I told them I could read their minds...That's impossible, you're crazy, and what do you have some kind of Spiderman intuition?... was all I heard from my mocking crowd. The fact is, that people are easier to read than a book. Seriously. I can met anyone and within minutes I can tell you how much money they make, what type of lifestyle they live, and if they will be successful in life. Let me just tell you this... my mocking crowd was dumb founded when I went around the room and told them exactly what type of life they live. Some were millionaires, some dead broke, and some were on the verge of making it big. I was dead on -Bulleye with each one of them. I guess correct with everyone of them. Now, you ask yourself the question... How did he do it? Is he reading my mind? Well I'm not. But I can tell you all that and more just my asking a few questions. With some people I can tell with 1-2 questions and others it takes 5, But never more than 5 questions. I'm usually about 97% accurate. Here's how it's done... Thoughts are things, Literally. Everything you think about is manifested in your physical world. Everything! You think it and it's expressed. Now that may scare you, but it can also empower you. You think BIG and you get BIG. You think small and poof like magic you get that. Let me give you some thing more to work with. There are several factors to reading someone's mind. They are verbal, physical, and mostly meta physical. Now this is just an email and not a book, but I still want to give you something you can use now. let's start with the verbal. Words give people away every time. You can read someone just by thieir choice of words. Here's an example. Some words show people feel in control, powerful, and that they have it under control- others show lack, limitation, and loss of power. No matter what you so you can use this to your advantage. Let's say you want to know if some really is going to do what they promised. A child, an employee, or a friend. If they use the words... try, want, maybe, hope, or the worst one of all, I have to...then they have not made the decision to do it, It's not going to happen. Now, when they use the words... will, going, or know, be assured they will do it. I'll cover the rest of this on a training call for everyone using my system and on following emails. The bottom line is that everyone has a success blueprint.You are going in one direction and anyone can tell you where. Sometimes it's hard to see yourself. The good news is that it can be change in seconds and with little effort once you understand how it all works.


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