
“Would you wish me to offer you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. you're thinking of failure because the enemy of success, but it isn’t in the least . you'll be discouraged by failure otherwise you can learn from it. So plow ahead and make mistakes. Make all you'll .
“The one that gets the farthest is usually the one who is willing to try to to a dare. The sure-thing boat never gets away from shore.” Carnegie “Success isn't permanent. an equivalent is additionally true of failure.” Dell Crossword “Choice, not circumstances, determines your success
“Success may be a state of mind. If you would like success, start thinking of yourself as a hit .” Dr. Joyce Brothers “Ambition, fueled by compassion, wisdom, and integrity, could also be a strong force permanently which can turn the wheels of industry and open the doors of opportunity for you and countless others.” Zig Zigler “Success isn't the key to happiness. Happiness is that the key to success. If you're keen on what you're doing, you'll achieve success .” Herman Cain “Nothing can stop the person with the right attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the person with the wrong attitude .” 
An unfailing success plan: at each day’s end, write down the six most vital things to try to to tomorrow; number them so as of importance, then do them.” “Act as if it's impossible to fail.” Anonymous.
“Success comes before work only within the dictionary.” “Success is just a matter of luck. Ask any failure.” Earl Wilson
Why not? Why not me? Why not now?” James Allen “Life’s real failure is once you don't realize how close you were to success once you gave up.”


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