The perfect Decision (Success Secret#3)

The perfect Decision
Another article I read was about "The Perfect Decision" for an Entrepreneur. Or more basically, there IS NO perfect decision, but neither are the decisions made by the seat of your pants. Part of self-actualization and creating emotional bank accounts is the act of making decisions. What does the average person (you) do wrong when making difficult decisions? You start to solve the wrong problems. He jumps to the first (easiest) characterization of his decision, so his goals are too narrow and he considers too few alternatives. What is meant is that, due to inexperience, we see a limited scope of results. Of course, the answer to this is an experienced Board with a highly respected and toughened Advisor and Mentor in battle. Bad decisions are made because inexperienced people don't look at situations in a broader context, because it makes them feel uncomfortable. For example, you make decisions from childhood (2 or 3 years) without training. We get into bad habits, we learn to accept the ways in which problems occur. Therefore, you are choosing solutions from decisions that others have given you. After 20 to 40 years, we are more or less in that habit instead of wondering what decisions we should make. The first thing you should do is define the "decision problem" you are really facing, that is, what you have to decide. A good solution to a well-posed problem is often far superior to an exceptional solution to a poorly-posed problem. Now the real question is, how do we know that we are posing the problem correctly? One - our mentor! Two, perhaps, after a lifetime of disorder, through bad decisions. Or three: wondering, "Is this what I really need to decide? Is this the right problem?" As you well know, after a while you are deciding that the situation will change and that the problem will become a new problem. And sometimes the situation doesn't change, but your view of the situation does.


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