We project Our Strengths (Success Secret #1)

We project our strengths 
-- El Morya We have learned that OUR WORLD MIRRORS WHO WE ARE BACK TO US.
No one can gain true prosperity without acknowledging their inner soul. Millionaires that gain True Success make self assessments. One that is on the road to true motivation, success, and true prosperity must wake up each morning with a goal and a drive to be greater than himself. You cannot be a true success in life unless you have the inner drive to do it. Some people get lucky by spending thousands of dollars and years of their lives trying to win their local lottery. Have you ever asked yourself why all of the big winners of the lottery are older individuals? Those older people that won always say the same thing, they have been playing the same numerical combination for over 3/4's of their lives. That shows persistance, but we are better if we persist and invest our time in enhancing ourselves. We know that we have to strive for the freedom of financial affluence and have to plan and work our personal strengths. We cannot wait around for someone on the news to tell us that we have won the lottery. We have to make our own treasure. Treasure starts with knowing yourself.
Knowing yourself will help take you to the top. Many people do not have a real good knowledge of self. These principles work in a universal state. You have to be a positive motivated success that is millionaire motivated to succeed in this world


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