
Showing posts from March, 2020

Financial Success(Success Secret#5)

Financial success: the secrets of financial success   After speaking to a gentleman this morning, hearing their excuses or the so-called reasons for their lack of financial success, I realized that the majority of our population is bankrupt just because they lack the key or secret ingredient. Financial success is as easy as one, two, three. Let me explain. Many people believe that with a little more education, a little more experience, or even a little more hard work and dedication; they will break the barrier and achieve financial success, whatever that means to them. Could any of these be secret to financial success? Analyze the following experience and decide for yourself. This summer, Jet Blue, a growing airline, was looking to increase its call centers and general ticket sales. So first things first, find new operations managers. A group of interns, with college diplomas in hand, quickly answered the call. Eager to receive a college graduate's salary and start their new care

Mind Reading (Success Secret#4)

MIND READING -  They all laughed when I told them I could read their minds...That's impossible, you're crazy, and what do you have some kind of Spiderman intuition?... was all I heard from my mocking crowd. The fact is, that people are easier to read than a book. Seriously. I can met anyone and within minutes I can tell you how much money they make, what type of lifestyle they live, and if they will be successful in life. Let me just tell you this... my mocking crowd was dumb founded when I went around the room and told them exactly what type of life they live. Some were millionaires, some dead broke, and some were on the verge of making it big. I was dead on -Bulleye with each one of them. I guess correct with everyone of them. Now, you ask yourself the question... How did he do it? Is he reading my mind? Well I'm not. But I can tell you all that and more just my asking a few questions. With some people I can tell with 1-2 questions and others it takes 5, But never more

The perfect Decision (Success Secret#3)

The perfect Decision Another article I read was about "The Perfect Decision" for an Entrepreneur. Or more basically, there IS NO perfect decision, but neither are the decisions made by the seat of your pants. Part of self-actualization and creating emotional bank accounts is the act of making decisions. What does the average person (you) do wrong when making difficult decisions? You start to solve the wrong problems. He jumps to the first (easiest) characterization of his decision, so his goals are too narrow and he considers too few alternatives. What is meant is that, due to inexperience, we see a limited scope of results. Of course, the answer to this is an experienced Board with a highly respected and toughened Advisor and Mentor in battle. Bad decisions are made because inexperienced people don't look at situations in a broader context, because it makes them feel uncomfortable. For example, you make decisions from childhood (2 or 3 years) without training. We get i

Learning From Setbacks(Success Secret #2)

Learning from Setbacks . You look at problems like stepping stones on the ladder of success that you grab as you go higher. That is the key to becoming a millionaire success. The most successful people have the highest failure rate. Those who really succeed learn from their mistakes and persist. Two of the most common ways that successful millionaires handle mistakes are invariably fatal to high performance. The first common but wrong way to handle a mistake is to not accept it when it occurs. That is an average. It's hard to believe that most of the decisions we make could be wrong in some way. In fact, if this is the case, how can our society continue to function? True successful millionaires see problems as temporary tests that stand in their way. . And the most important part of each day is what you think at the beginning of that day. Take 30 minutes each morning to sit quietly and reflect on your goals. When you read the biographies and autobiographies of successful men

We project Our Strengths (Success Secret #1)

We project our strengths  -- El Morya We have learned that OUR WORLD MIRRORS WHO WE ARE BACK TO US . No one can gain true prosperity without acknowledging their inner soul. Millionaires that gain True Success make self assessments. One that is on the road to true motivation, success, and true prosperity must wake up each morning with a goal and a drive to be greater than himself. You cannot be a true success in life unless you have the inner drive to do it. Some people get lucky by spending thousands of dollars and years of their lives trying to win their local lottery . Have you ever asked yourself why all of the big winners of the lottery are older individuals? Those older people that won always say the same thing, they have been playing the same numerical combination for over 3/4's of their lives. That shows persistance , but we are better if we persist and invest our time in enhancing ourselves. We know that we have to strive for the freedom of financial affluence and have


Success  “Would you wish me to offer you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. you're thinking of failure because the enemy of success, but it isn’t in the least . you'll be discouraged by failure otherwise you can learn from it. So plow ahead and make mistakes. Make all you'll . “The one that gets the farthest is usually the one who is willing to try to to a dare. The sure-thing boat never gets away from shore.” Carnegie “Success isn't permanent. an equivalent is additionally true of failure.” Dell Crossword “Choice, not circumstances, determines your success “Success may be a state of mind. If you would like success, start thinking of yourself as a hit .” Dr. Joyce Brothers “Ambition, fueled by compassion, wisdom, and integrity, could also be a strong force permanently which can turn the wheels of industry and open the doors of opportunity for you and countless others.” Zig Zigler “Success isn't the key to happiness. Ha

10 best motivational Tips

10 Motivation Tips The following are 10 tips to help you achieve your goals.  These ideas will help you set smart goals and improve your ability to achieve them.  These tips were taken from” How to Keep New Year’s Resolutions” in the January 2011 issue of Good Housekeeping. 1. Exercise your will power.  It is just like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets.  Will to do small things daily.  Then gradually increase to bigger goals. 2. Make your changes, one at a time. Sweeping change will exhaust your limited will power. 3. Break goals down into their basic behavioral modification parts.  For example, break down a weight loss goal into 1. Don’t eat after 8:00PM.  2. Take the stairs at work. 3. Eat dinner from an 8 inch plate instead of a 12 inch one. 4. Lift your spirits.  Doing things you enjoy boosts your ability to exercise self-control. 5. Keep your glucose levels up.  The brain relies almost exclusively on it for energy. This energy fuels the brain’s ability